Ambassador Mark Asquino

Chairman Emeritus

Ambassador Mark Asquino had a thirty-seven year career in the Foreign Service. His overseas postings included assignments in Latin America, Europe, Central Asia and Africa. Before his retirement from the Department of State, he was U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (2012-2015). As a public diplomacy specialist, he directed large, overseas International Visitor Leadership Programs (IVLP). He brings this experience  to Global Santa Fe’s work in setting up IVLP exchanges here. As a former Fulbright American Studies lecturer in Spain (1975-1976) who has an academic Ph.D. in this field, he has first-hand experience with teaching and international educational exchange and he is also fluent in Spanish. He has worked with U.S. companies overseas to gain their Corporate Social Responsibility financial support for non-government initiatives in education, health and environmental protection.