Panel discussion on “Demolishing the Foundations: Worldwide Consequences of America’s Assault on the Rule of Law.” From the Declaration of Independence forward, until 2017, commitment to the Rule of Law has underpinned all American governments and was never a partisan issue. With the election of President Trump, America’s legal architecture has come under assault with the denigration of judicial independence and impartiality and the bending of norms that form the foundation for our judicial system, professional bureaucracy, and the separation of powers. Without American leadership and commitment to the Rule of Law, dictatorial systems favored by China and Russia may attract more followers, diminishing our influence and putting into question democracy in our own country and around the world. Panelists include Chuck Case (retired US bankruptcy judge and CIR Board President); Rich Moriarty (whose legal career spanned 40+ years in public and private sectors, and included arguing before the US Supreme Court); Richard Silver (former foreign service officer, lawyer, CIR Board Member); and moderating will be Vicki Huddleston (former US ambassador to Mali, Madagascar, and Chief of the US Interests Section in Cuba).

Watch the talk here